It seems like I am always trying to find gifts that will impress my Gen Z and Millennial daughters and I always feel like I miss the boat. More recently, I have stopped guessing what they would really like and literally not stray AT ALL from their lists.
To be perfectly honest, the older they have gotten, the more just giving them cash has been what helps me feel like I am not wasting my money on things they just don’t want or need. That said, I also like to make sure there are at least a couple of items wrapped under the tree for them. And there is no better way to know what the perfect gifts for an 17-30 year old young woman than to ask- which is EXACTLY what I did!
My 19 year old daughter and her college friends put together this list of gifts that will impress just for you 🎁. I sure hope you are able to find something for the young woman in your life from this list!
1) Fluff Yeah Slide
These fluffy slipper slides seriously look like the softest thing you could put on your feet! Being that they are made by Ugg – you know they will last a very long time!

2) Printed Ski Oneskee
Okay – not going to lie – this one I had to ask my daughter “REALLY??!!” And her reply was ummm yes mom. Just letting you know – I seriously did not come up with anything on this list. You are getting these suggestions straight from the Gen Z/Millennial crowd…

3) Glossier Skincare Products
I have always felt skincare is a personal preference as all of us have different skin types. However, my daughter says this line is all the rage at her university. Who am I to question this?

4) Normal People novel
Hopefully the woman you are buying a gift for is a reader (this is of course coming from a book lover). If not, maybe this will ignite her interest. My daughter added this book to her gift list because she loved the show and wants to read the book now fyi!

5) A Really Good Tanning Cream
With all the hoopla about the damaging effects of the sun on our skin, using tanning creams and spray tans have become a quite acceptable alternative. I don’t know about you but I am sure glad to know that tanning beds are not as popular as they were when I was young!! This tanning cream is one of the best (per my daughter…).

6) Faux Plants
One of my daughters lives in a sorority house on her college campus and the other one lives in an apartment in LA. They both love to have cozy bedrooms to relax in. This faux fiddle leaf tree is a cute addition to make their rooms homey :)!

7) Hair Dryer and Volumizer in One
Show me a woman that doesn’t love having pretty hair with minimal effort involved to get it and I will pay you $5!! Just kidding… I won’t really pay you. But you get the point…

8) Another Option for A Blow Dryer and Volumizer in One

9) Converse Platform Shoes
Okay – I actually had to do some searching for a link that isn’t sold out on these ones!! So clearly they are a hot ticket item!! I.E. – get them while you can!!!

Here is another version of the Converse platform look:

For any of you that know me – you know I love to put hot rollers in my hair!! So when my daughter added this to the list – I seriously said well it’s about time (after my initial shock wore off of course)!! How come no one has caught on to how quick and easy hot rollers are to use???

11) A Really Pretty Necklace
My daughter bought this necklace for herself last summer and says she wears it quite often and get asked about it every time she wears it!

12) A Fun Game She Can Play With Friends
If you haven’t played the game What Do You Meme yet – you have got to!! This one is the girls only version which is pretty dang fun I must say!

13) Silk Pillowcases and Sleep Mask
Have you heard that silk pillowcases are great for your skin and hair? I have been sleeping with mine for over a year now and honestly just cannot imagine going back to any other material to put my sleepy head on 😴.

14) Roller Skates
So confession time here… my daughter bought herself roller skates about two years ago. In cleaning out my garage- I gave hers away. She is not happy with me… I told her I found super cute retro roller skates online a few weeks ago and she replied well I hope you are planning on replacing mine 😂. Gotta admit – they are pretty dang cute!! Also – did you know roller skating is REALLY good exercise???

Here is another fun style of roller skates:

15) Silk Face Coverings
It wouldn’t complete the year of 2020 if I didn’t include a pretty mask on this gift list 🤪. Who knows how long we will be wearing these things so you might as well be cute and comfortable while you are doing it!

I am so grateful for the help my daughter and her friends gave me in putting this list together for you!! XOXO youngest daughter! I would love to give my 25 yo credit for helping me with the list as well but nope… she stayed quiet during the whole text conversation. Her sister and her have pretty similar tastes however so I am assuming she approved of most of the items on her younger sister’s idea list 🤪.

My youngest daughter also recruited some of her male friends to give her some items they would recommend putting on a male gift list. I promise that list is coming next week! Men are so much harder to buy for than women aren’t they?? In fact, when I asked my son for help putting together a gift list post his reply was “I can be of no help – all I ever want is cash…” 😂.
I Hope This List of Gifts That Will Impress The Gen Z And Younger Millennial Women On Your List Was Helpful! Stay Tuned For More Helpful Gift Lists!
Cheers to the start of a wonderful and joyful holiday season!!

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