Looking to add simple fall decor in the kitchen? I have a few tips to help you make your kitchen festive for the fall season!
Have you caught the fall decor bug yet?
My house has been fallified for a few weeks now and I couldn’t be happier!
Truth be told – I am also looking ahead for Christmas decor already too (#sorrynotsorry).
Okay – not really Christmas decor per say – more like trees and stair garlands.
And really only because we are joining the faux tree bandwagon after having a real tree for the last 28 years of our marriage 😳.
This will be interesting…
But first – let’s discuss how to add simple fall decor in the kitchen – shall we???
My simple and neutral game is going amazing – I know you didn’t ask but I figured I would make sure you knew that fact! Also – check out my post with all my neutral fall decor ideas here!
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In a rush?

Simple Fall Decor in the Kitchen

Add Simple Fall Touches to Countertops
There is nothing in my bones that likes clutter. ESPECIALLY a cluttered counter!!
I mean – how can you make all the fall yummies with a cluttered counter space??
Speaking of which – you have got to check out my delicious pumpkin cookie recipe!!
But as far as simple fall decor on the countertops – I have added a pumpkin or two in inconspicuous places that do not overwhelm me.
Those salt and pepper shakers are so fun – aren’t they??
The glass pumpkin was a trip memento that we got at Simon Pearce when we went to Vermont a few years ago ;). You can read that fall foliage itinerary here btw :).

The marble pedestals are new these last few months and I loooovvee having them on my counters!!! They are the perfect addition to my neutral kitchen decor ;).
Every season, I also change up my spatulas to be festive for the time of year.
It’s a super easy way to add simple fall decor in the kitchen!
You can find the copper moscow mule mugs here ;).

While remodeling our kitchen, I went with quartz because I knew the upkeep of marble counters can be rather challenging.
But they sure are gorgeous – aren’t they? See my kitchen home tour page for more source details btw ;).
So instead of marble countertops, I am using marble accents on the counters.
Smart – right???
This tray with gold handles is actually sold as a cheese board – but it is multitasking in my kitchen ;).
The mini ceramic pumpkins were a find a few years ago at one of my favorite local decor shops.
Right after I purchased them, I wanted a few more for around the house.
So of course, I like them even more and am dying to find them again somewhere 🤷♀️.

Don’t Forget About the Island
If you have a kitchen island, this is one of the funnest places in a kitchen for seasonal decor!!!
I finally found the perfect white riser for my black soapstone island this year.
And trust me – I have been searching for years!
Of course – it was always at Amazon. I should have known better 🤪.

The paper mache apples are one of my most favorite simple fall finds this year!!
So much so – that I have bought quite a few of them…
They seem to be coming in and out of stock (as is the case with EVERYTHING this year – right??!).
But patience always wins out.
Well that and supply chains… 😂
The wooden bowl was an awesome find this season as well AND IS STILL AVAILABLE!! Well – at writing of this post it is anyway…
I found the quince slices last year and they are also still for sale this year – which honestly shocked me because don’t stores try to NOT do that in order to make us keep having to buy new things???
I am not complaining though!
They come in a large box and can be used everywhere!
Trust me – I know. I have them EVERYWHERE 😂.
One more island countertop simple fall decor tip? FALL PUMPKIN COOKIES!! Lol…

Dress Up your Open Shelves
If you have them of course.
But if you don’t – I just want to tell you that my open shelves are my favorite part of my kitchen.
I even wrote a blog post with reasons you should have them too ;).
You can read that post here…
They are seriously one of the most fun places to put fall decor.
Actually to put every season’s decor.

Three years ago, my husband and I were on a trip to Scandinavia and I decided I wanted my mementos from that trip to be vintage copper items.
So I bought the tea kettle and butter warmer on that trip.
Since then, I have found a few fun copper items on Etsy and my son bought me the sugar shaker on the top shelf for Christmas one year ;).
While I LOVE the wheat sheaths on that shelf, they are a few years old from Magnolia Market and have never returned to their online shop :(.
Pumpkin bowls are a super fun way to add simple fall decor in the kitchen as well!

Place Fall Decor in Cabinets with Glass Doors
If you don’t have open shelves, you can still have simple fall decor in your cabinets with glass doors!
By the way – if you currently do not have glass cabinet doors, did you know it is easy enough to make your current doors glass?
Talk to your local glass shop… it is how these cabinets came to have them!
In fact, you can read all about my kitchen remodel process here!
I found more vintage copper items on Etsy and my mom’s old tea kettle for fall decor in these cabinets.
FYI – the old copper tea kettle of my mom’s was found when I asked her if we could rummage through her attic. So you just never know where you are going to find those fun simple decor items ;).

Use Fall Scented Soaps and Dish Towels
Besides the spatulas mentioned above, fall soaps and dish towels are the second simplest and budget friendly way to add simple fall decor in the kitchen!!
I am quite partial to Williams Sonoma when it comes to seasonal soaps and towels.
However, this year, Target has totally upped their fall decor game!!
Like – I keep finding new items I “need” to have!!
Including some fun kitchen towels 🤷♀️.

Put Something Fall on the Stove
Copper again? Yup!
My husband uses a french press for his coffee every morning and having a good stovetop tea kettle is very important to him :).
Fun fact – did you know I do not drink coffee? It upsets my stomach and I am just not a fan of the flavor.
I know, I know, crazy 🤷♀️.
And of course, I couldn’t resist putting a PUMPKIN cocotte on the stove!!
Lastly, if you have a type of stove hood that will allow for a seasonal wreath – put one there!
It’s another easy place to cheer up a space for the seasons ;).
This one is from Magnolia Market – but seriously fall wreaths are EVERYWHERE right now!
So pick a favorite of yours and get it up there ;)!

Bet you didn’t realize simple fall decor in the kitchen was this easy – did you? I hope you found some inspiration and even some fun new fall decor items to add to your space!
Have fun and make it a space that will bring you joy and happiness every time you are in YOUR kitchen ;).
Looking for an item that wasn’t linked in this post?
Be sure to check out my ‘Home Tour’ pages or ‘my Curated Collections Shopping Pages’ here.
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Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.
~ Unknown
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Looking for more than a fall decor item from my kitchen? Be sure to go to my kitchen home tour page for all my sources!!