Do you want to know what my favorite fall candles are? I honestly cannot believe it is actually October and an acceptable time for them now (finally!). Like many of you, I have been burning my fall candles since early September so this post may be a little bit overdue. Read on if you need some fall candle inspiration or are just curious where I put mine 😉.
Candles are such an easy way to decorate a space- I pretty much have at least one candle in every single room in my house. Well except my kids rooms… even though they are all young adults now- I still don’t trust them to light up candles in their rooms. Actually truth be told- I don’t ever light candles in my own bedroom either!! Yup- I am a scaredy cat…
It’s okay though- I promise I make up for the no candles in bedrooms with placing them EVERYWHERE else in the house!!
Two of my Favorite Candles are in the Kitchen
My very favorite place to set out a candle and burn it for most of the day is my kitchen counter. It’s such an easy place to put one that will make the whole space smell good! Unless I am baking, then I don’t like to have my candle scents interfere with my yummy baking scents… this candle from Anthropologie is probably my favorite fall candle this year! It is a cinnamon apple bourbon scent and seriously makes the whole house smell amazing!

I also keep a candle on my kitchen table. I don’t usually light both the counter candle and the table candle at the same time but if you keep candles everywhere like I do – you will always have one close by to light up! This is another Anthropologie candle favorite and is honey apple scent… YUM!

Three More of my Favorite Candles are in the Family Room
Another place I love to place a candle is on my coffee table in my family room (which technically is the same room as my kitchen and nook – so I guess you could say I have ALOT of candles in one room!). I keep a lighter in the drawer of the coffee table so that as soon as I sit down to watch tv or read a book on my couch- that candle is immediately lit up! I first smelled this Rosy Rings Spicy Apple candle at a fancy hotel here in San Diego that we were staying at for my birthday about five years ago. It is a little bit pricey- but I literally have had this exact candle for over THREE years now! It is 100% worth the investment!!

I bought this bar cart about two years ago because we host a lot of dinner parties, holidays, and large events and I needed a place to set out the drinks. It is currently out of stock but I was just perusing on the website and found a bar cart I like EVEN BETTER! Shoot! I have linked that one here for you :)!.

Since purchasing my bar cart, I have moved another piece of furniture from my bedroom downstairs to put where the bar cart was. So now the bar cart rests next to my couch in the family room (and yes- that means there is another candle in this room 🤷♀️).
The pumpkin candle on the bar cart is an old one and is actually a real candle but I recently found a flameless pumpkin candle that I like sooo much more and it is currently on sale which means I will probably be buying it!! Flameless candles are one of the best decor inventions – don’t you think???

This small desk is what was brought downstairs to the walkway between our family room and dining room (if you guessed this is where the bar cart was located – you are correct!). I recently chalk painted this desk Rustoleum Linen White. For those of you that have been following me for a while here or on Instagram– you know that my coping mechanism for the pandemic and all things 2020 has been painting EVERYTHING white!! See my previous posts on my master bathroom remodel or the DIY board and batten in three spaces in my house!

My intention is to now use this writing desk as a drink station when we invite guests over (we haven’t had company over since my birthday back in June and this table wasn’t downstairs yet). While it is not being used for drinks however, it is another perfect and convenient place to keep a candle! This cute pumpkin ceramic candle is the perfect size for this fun new furniture piece to decorate! And obviously a perfect spot for one of my favorite fall candles 🤪.
The Bathroom is Another Place I Put Seasonal Candles
Bathrooms are also a great place to put a candle however this is another place I am scared to light up a candle. I am just beginning to realize you must all think I am quite forgetful being that that is my biggest fear with candles (forgetting to blow them out). Well- I will own that I guess… but still- a bathroom is a great place for a candle especially during a dinner party with guests – which is pretty much the only time I will light a candle in a bathroom FYI.

Smells amazing and is just turned around to hide the not so pretty label :)!
My Last Favorite Fall Candle is in my Office Loft Space
The loft space at the top of our stairs has become my home office. It was previously the kids’ playroom but now that two of my kids are in college and one is adulting in LA, the space can officially be mine! You can imagine I sit up in that space a lot (in fact I am currently typing in this space!). Pretty much every time I sit down in my home office, a candle is lit up immediately!!
Obviously I have an affinity to shopping at Pottery Barn, Amazon, and Anthropologie, but when I am not shopping at those places, I love to support small shops. My favorite small candle shop is Greyden Candle Co. I found this small shop on Instagram. Shannon’s account caught my eye with her ADORABLE mason jar packaging for her candles. Once she sent me a few – I was hooked! Her scents are absolutely amazing and last a very long time. This is definitely a case of saving the best for last for all of you!

Well that is seven of my favorite fall candles for you!! If you buy any of them – please let me know! I would love to see where you decide to put YOUR favorite candles! If you have one I should add to my list, I would love to hear about those as well :)!
It’s completely acceptable to buy all the Halloween candy now! Or in my case, I don’t have to hide it anymore…

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[…] Candles, candles everywhere! I wrote an entire blog post on how much I love to use fall candles in my decor! Pretty much THE EASIEST way ever to dress up your kitchen for fall! Check out that post for sources on all my favorite fall candles! […]